Sunday, May 1, 2011

This post is dedicated to Julian's cat, Rudy.

Ben came up on this one...

Dear PLAY STATION, your demos suck. I went into Best Buy because I finally got the chance to test out your new game apparatus and it was nowhere near what I thought it would be. First, their was only one game available with two options, frisbee golf and ping pong.  Now, I love DE PIN PONG but why have a game that the Wii already has? I know you want  people to compare the controllers, but it is not about the controller, it is about the game experience the new controller has to offer.

Get rid of the ping pong balls and put a REAL game I can actually have fun with.

Back to the ass...



Find this bad boy near Santa Monica and La Brea and I will give you $50.  Many will enter, one will win.

Stopped by this East Los Angeles house party just in time to see all the hoochies, and I got pussy that night too.

No really, I did.

Don't worry that cat is not dead, he just was not feeling the music so he decided to take a nap in my arms. SWAG

I never got into nitrous oxide balloons. From what I under stand all it does is get you light headed for like  6 seconds then you realize you spent 2 dollars on a fucking balloon.

Bitches be texting, huh?

Of course no east-los party would be complete without a fight or at least an argument where a tiny latin girl attempts to hold back her guy friend.

Oh yeah, and go-go dancers.

18 year old east L.A house party go-go dancers..........
